
Showing posts from December, 2017

Section 702 FAA expires: what are the problems with PRISM and Upstream?

(UPDATED: January 20, 2018) Two important NSA programs, PRISM and Upstream, are based upon section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act (FAA), a law that was originally scheduled to expire today. Now the US Congress has to decide whether to continue or to reform this crucial legal authority . Although PRISM became almost synonymous for NSA's alleged mass surveillance, it's actually, just like the Upstream program, targeted collection aimed at specific foreign targets. Still, many people think that these programs pull in way too many data ( incidental collection ) to be subsequently queried in an illegal way ( backdoor searches ). Here we'll show some of the complexities of these two collection programs and that there are various internal procedures and methods in order to keep collection and analysis as focussed as possible. Slide from the PRISM presentation that for the first time revealed PRISM and Upstream as part of section 702 FAA collection. Until recently, US lawmakers w