
Showing posts from July, 2017

Dutch report provides metadata numbers to compare with Snowden documents

(Updated: September 21, 2017) Since the Snowden revelations, we know that signals intelligence agencies are trying to acquire large sets of telephone metadata in order to analyse them in support of protecting their national security. Less known is that commercial companies also analyse similar big data sets, albeit for research purposes and with personal information being anonymized. Now, a research report from the Netherlands provides us with actual numbers of mobile telephone metadata, which can be used to compare with the numbers that NSA and GCHQ collected according to the Snowden documents. Tourist movements Recently published was a report about visitor movements in and around the Dutch capital of Amsterdam. It was prepared by the economic research company Decisio on behalf of the province of Noord-Holland and the municipalities of Amsterdam and Zandvoort. Since a few years, Amsterdam almost suffers from a huge increase of tourists, but it was difficult to get detailed insights