
Showing posts from June, 2017

Dutch-Russian cyber crime case reveals how the police taps the internet

(Updated: August 26, 2017) About how signals intelligence agencies, like NSA and GCHQ, are intercepting communications, we learned a lot from the Snowden revelations and the German parliamentary inquiry, but also from new legislation in France , the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Much less is known about the practice of tapping by law enforcement, like for example the FBI and police forces. Now, a case from the Netherlands provides some interesting insights in how Dutch police intercepts internet communications - in a way that comes remarkably close to the bulk collection by intelligence agencies. - Cooperation with the Russians - Intercepting at Leaseweb - - Some questions - The end of ZeuS - Office of the Team High Tech Crime (THTC) of the Dutch police in Driebergen (photo: NRC/Merlin Daleman)   Cooperation with the Russians On Saturday, May 27, the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant came with a surprising story about the cooperation between the Team High Tech Crime (THTC) o