
Showing posts from June, 2016

E-mails from inside the NSA bureaucracy

Earlier this month, the NSA declassified a huge set of internal e-mails, following FOIA-requests about the issue of whether Edward Snowden had raised concerns about the NSA's surveillance programs through proper channels inside the agency. > Download the declassified e-mails (very large pdf) Here, we will take a look at the administrative details these internal NSA e-mails provide. Next time we will see what their content says about the concerns that Snowden claimed to have raised. Internal e-mail from NSA director Michael Rogers. In the signature block we see his NSANet and SIPRNet e-mail addresses and his non-secure phone number (all redacted) (Click to enlarge - See also: NSA director Alexander's phones ) E-mail addresses Except from the classification markings, the NSA's internal e-mails aren't very different from those exchanged by most other people around the world. But they do show for example some details about the internal communications networks of the a