
Showing posts from May, 2016

German journalists about working with the Snowden documents

Last Monday, the website The Intercept started publishing larger batches of documents from the Snowden trove, so they can now also be examined by the public. It's a new phase after previously documents were generally disclosed as part of journalistic reports, but the number of such publications steadily declined over the last two years. For how it was to work with the Snowden documents can be learned from an interesting interview with two journalists from the German Magazine Der Spiegel. They not only published a whole range of articles based upon the Top Secret NSA documents, but also a book which is much more informative than that of Glenn Greenwald. The interview with Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark from Der Spiegel, as well as with Svea Eckert from the German broadcaster NDR, was part of the Network Research ( Netzwerk Recherche ) annual conference, which was held on July 3 and 4, 2015: Interview with Marcel Rosenbach, Holger Stark and Svea Eckert, July 2015 (in German)