
Showing posts from December, 2015

Leaked documents that were not attributed to Snowden

(Latest UPDATE : June 22, 2018) Since June 2013, numerous top secret documents from the American signals intelligence agency NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ have been disclosed. The overwhelming majority of them came from the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden . But what many people probably didn't notice, is that some of these documents (some being very compromising and embarrassing for NSA) were not provided by Snowden, but by other leakers. Often, the press reports didn't mention that very clear, and it was only by not attributing such documents to Snowden, that it became clear they apparently came from someone else. So far, the following classified documents have been disclosed without having been attributed to Snowden: 2013: - Chancellor Merkel tasking record - TAO's ANT product catalog 2014: - XKEYSCORE rules: TOR and TAILS - NCTC watchlisting guidance - NCTC terrorist watchlist report 2015: - XKEYSCORE rules: New Zealand - Ramstein AFB supporting drone oper

How NSA targeted the Venezuelan oil company PdVSA

There aren't many new revelations from the Snowden-documents anymore, but recently an NSA document was published telling how the agency prepared the interception of communications from the Venezuelan oil company PetrĂ³leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PdVSA). It's not a very spectacular disclosure, but it gives a nice insight in what an NSA analyst actually does. The story was published on November 18 by the website The Intercept and the Latin-American broadcaster teleSUR . Most people will have read The Intercept's report, but that misses one of the most interesting details of the story. Here, the disclosed NSA document will be discussed in full, with details explained based upon information from earlier disclosures. Building of PdVSA in Maracaibo with on its facade Fidel Castro's motto "Patria, Socialismo o Muerte" (Fatherland, Socialism or Death) (Photo: Reportero24) The document that was published is an excerpt from SIDtoday , the internal newsletter of the NSA